How much stuff do you have?
We, all of us, have stuff and we love our stuff.
How much stuff we have depends on how attached we are to our stuff, how much room we have to hold our stuff, or are we a collector of stuff. Now that we have determined we have stuff we need to figure out if  we have enough stuff  or at what point do we decide we already have too  o much stuff.
 George Carlin a comedian of days past had the funniest jokes talking about stuff, our stuff.  He would comment on how we needed to move into a bigger home to hold all of our stuff and sometimes when our house couldn’t hold all of our stuff we would rent storage space to hold more of our stuff.  He was so right on and that is why his humor was so good. We could all relate to our stuff.
So let me ask you the big question:  When do you decide that you have TOO MUCH STUFF?
Some of us may never come to the conclusion that we need to get rid of some of our stuff because the decision as to what to keep and what to let go of are too difficult.  We are too attached to our stuff.
Sometimes it takes someone else in the family to threaten to get rid of your stuff that makes us decide to take a closer look at what we really want to keep, or it may be your own decision because you are tired of everything laying around or cluttering up your space or you are tired of boxing all your stuff up every time you have to move or to house all of your stuff you either have to buy a bigger house or rent storage space.
Let me remind you that just because you have too much stuff as determined by “them” that does not necessarily mean you are disorganized, however the more stuff you have the more difficult it gets to keep everything organized.
So if for some reason today you have decided it is time to get rid of some of your stuff then let me offer some tips or questions to ask yourself to help you decide what stuff you can get rid of.
 The first questions to ask yourself as you begin to look at all of your stuff are:
      * Do I love this?
      * Do I need this, or am I using this?
      * How many do I have and do I have TOO many?
      * Is the item damaged and beyond repair or will I repair it?
      * What’s the worst thing that could happen if I throw this away?
      * By the time I might need this, will it be obsolete?
      * If I threw this away now and discovered I needed it later, could I easily replace it?
      * If my home or office burned down, would I miss this (item, information, etc.) enough that I
         would actively seek to replace it?
      * Does it have sentimental value and I need to keep it or can I take a picture of it as it is more
       of a memory I need to keep rather than the item itself.
      * Does it have tax or legal implications?
      * How does this serve me or does it enhance my life if I keep it?